Expressions India

Expressions India

National Life Skills, School & Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Program

Registered as "Expressions Children Homes Organizations of India"

(Registration No.: U8030IDL2005NPL135378)

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Human Resource Capabilities

Over the last thirteen years, 'Expressions India' has collaborated with various school counsellors, teachers, medical professionals with the common focus on enhancement of mental health and life skills development.

The technical resource group has expanded from the core group in the NCR of Delhi to regional teams in different parts of the country. The team of 'Expressions India' includes :

Technical Resource Core Group - (Delhi & NCR)

Program Director : Dr. Jitendra Nagpal
Senior Advisors
(Academics & Training)
: Ms. Geeta Mehrotra
Ms. Aprajita Dixit
Ms. Nupur Lakhani
Senior Manager (Office Operations)
(Academic & Training Services)
: Ms. Priya Sharma 
Regional Heads and Faculty : MYSORE
Dr. Rushi
Ms. Rakhi Garg
Ms. Sainu Garg
Dr. Manoranjini V.
Technical Advisory Group : Dr. H. K. Chopra
Dr. Shiv Chopra
Dr. Manoj Kumar
Dr. Sandeep Vohra